Cloud, Cone, Crystal reports, Dot net bar, Infragistics, SQL Server,
Accounting-Vision module/software provides both solid and convenient accounting by managing the financials of a business from A to Z, including income, expenses, and taxing, and it is incorporated with all other COMPU-VISION's products.
► Manage your users' authentication level, access and privileges
► Users' log
► Handle multiple corporations/entities, divisions, departments…
► Support dual and multiple currencies
► User-defined account number structure for clients, suppliers, expenses...
► Support dual Chart of Accounts, sub-accounts and sub-ledgers
► Map accounts to all or specific cost centers
► Generate automatically recurring journal entries
► Drill down capability from account balance to voucher, transaction
► Automatically reverse entries
► Invoices, receipts and payment vouchers
► Analytical Reports: P&L (Profit and Loss), Balance sheet, Trial balance, Account statement...