Event ticketing app | Custom Software Development | Mobile app | Websites

Event ticketing app


ecommerce, Event Management


Mobile App


Android, APIs, Cloud, Cloudflare, CMS, Firebase, iOS, JSON, MySQL, PHP, SEO, SQLite

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The event ticketing mobile app available in both English and Arabic languages.

Our event ticketing app also offers a scalable ticket scanning solution. Simply login and you’re ready to scan tickets for any event. Keep track of your event's attendees.


Guest and Logged in users features:

► Upcoming events [featured events]

► In the spotlight [latest news]

► View all events

► View all news

► View events by types

► Event details and option to share on social media

► News details and option to share on social media

► My account page: Sign in / Sign up [for guest users]

► View all messages

► About the app info

► Contact us

► Terms and conditions

► Privacy policy


Logged in users features:

► Update profile and full address details

► Control your event preferences [select your favorite event types to receive notifications and updates]

► For the event's booking seats selection: select your seats [rows - seat number] with option to pay online or pass by to collect and pay for your tickets with a countdown otherwise your reservation will be automatically canceled

► For the event's number of seats selection: enter a limited number of tickets (10 maximum) with option to pay online or pass by to collect and pay for your tickets with a countdown otherwise your reservation will be automatically canceled

► For the free events: just confirm your presence

► For any of the 3 events ticketing methods above, a barcode is generated automatically for each ticket

► View all your reservations

► Organize an event and track the status [approved or declined]





Event ticketing app backend features:

Manage user's authentication level, access and privileges

► Manage your event's locations with option to add location map, zones, rows and seats

View all mobile users

Add a new mobile user

►View all booking tickets per event

View all reservations requests with option to collect payments and generate tickets

Reserve tickets and assign it to mobile users

Manage your event types

Create an event in an easy and a fast way [step by step creation]

► For each event:

  • Assign a ticketing method: Free event or number of tickets selection or seats selection

  • For number of tickets selection and seats selection ticketing methods, manage your ticket pricing per location's zones and option to apply early bird booking

  • Apply payment methods: Payment online or Pass by and collect tickets or both

► View all your events in a grid and calendar view

Create a new News and option to link it to an event

View all requested events from the mobile app "organize an event" with option to update status

Reports and statistics

Update app general info: about us - contact us - terms and conditions - privacy policy and social media links

► Send messages via push notification to all guests and/or logged in users or any specific mobile app user

► Real time send push notifications to all guests and logged in mobile app users when a new event or news is published

► Real time send push notifications to mobile app user when requested "Organize an event" status update

Charbel Assaf - CIO at SAFADI Foundation

In fact, I did many projects with Compu-Vision. (Websites and Applications). I still have ongoing projects. What I like the most is their flexibility. Not to forget their competitive prices. They take their time for any request or changes and come back to you with the expected solution.

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