Vision-Generators | Custom Software Development | Mobile app | Websites





Mobile App / Software


Android, APIs, Cloud, Cone, Crystal reports, Dot net bar, Firebase, Infragistics, iOS, JSON, PHP, Reactnative, SQL Server, SQLite,


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Are you a Generator owner? Vision-Generators is your solution to communicate with the collector, check all invoices and payments whenever you want and wherever you are.

Manage your users' authentication level, access and privileges

► Users' log

Manage your clients and check clients' statement of account

► Manage your sectors / buildings / streets

► Manage multi generators

Control your monthly Amperage price list

Control your monthly meter KW price

Control your dish fix price [optional]

Manage your employees and your meter collectors

Assign employees to specific sectors

Create and print meter barcodes

Generate invoices and collect

Real time monitoring

Reports and statistics

Meter collector - mobile app

► Secure login

Online and Offline meter barcode reader

Auto gets client's info and last Kw meter consumption, the user enters the new consumption number and the system auto calculate the different and the total

Generate and print invoice on site using a connected Bluetooth printer

Collect invoices

Easy to search by client name and auto checks for any old not paid / not generated invoice(s)

un-print invoice or unpaid invoice requestrs (request sent via push notification to the admin(s) devices)

Daily statistics   

Monthly statistics


Admin - mobile app

► Secure login

Check all not generated invoices with option to filter by client name or employee

Check all generated and not paid invoices with option to filter by client name or employee

Check all paid invoices with option to filter by client name or employee

Check requests received from employees

Daily statistics for all or any selected employee and option to filter by dates

Monthly statistics for all or any selected employee and option to filter by previous months


Amal Chemali - Partner at Sheile Generators

The software still has some glitches or bugs but the overall service is perfect and the after purchase maintenance and follow up is great.

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